Aerodyn Wings&Bd
After a short review of the fundamentals of fluid mechanics, the authors offer a fairly extensive treatment of constant-density inviscid flow. Chapter 3 deals with singular perturbation problems, presenting an extremely useful technique not to be found in most texts. Subsequent chapters give solid basic coverage of these topics:
- Chap. 4-Effects of Viscosity
- Chap. 5-Thin-Wing Theory
- Chap. 6-Siender-Body Theory
- Chap. 7-Three-Dimensional Wings in Steady, Subsonic Flow
- Chap. 8-Three-Dimensional Thin Wings in Steady Supersonic Flow
- Chap. 9- Drag at Supersonic Speeds
- Chap. 10- Use of Flow-Reversal Theorems in Drag Minimization Problems
- Chap. 11- lnterference and Nonplanar Lifting Surface theories
- Chap. 12- Transonic Small-Disturbance Flow
- Chap. 13-Unsteady Flow
Holt Ashley is Professor of Aeronautics/ Astronautics and Mechanical Engineering at Stanford University. Marten Landahl is in the Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics at M.l.T. and in the Department of Mechanics, The Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm.
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