In order to improve your Aviation English skills and get better results during the examination, Flying Academy is organizing a preparation course which is held for5 hours,including a DEMO practice final exam!

In order to improve your Aviation English skills and get better results during the examination, Flying Academy is organizing a preparation course which is held for5 hours,including a DEMO practice final exam!
Why enroll for the ICAO Preparation Course?
As the ICAO English Examination is mandatory for all pilots to communicate and contact international aviation and ATC, the ICAO preparation course is the best opportunity to test your knowledge and proficiency level before the examination with the help of professionally trained pilot instructors.
Where is the ICAO Preparation Course held?
The ICAO preparation course will be conducted through our virtual classrooms.
What if the time frame is not suitable for me?
As the ICAO preparation course is held only for 5 hours, the days of classes conducted will be customized personally to fit your schedule.
What if I would like to attend the class in a normal classroom?
If there are no geographical restrictions and you are present at base, you may attend the ICAO preparation course in a physical classroom (in-person).