Insight G3 6C Single Engine
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Another great feature is why not have the G3 instrument diagnose itself? Then you dont have to disassemble the airplane or even touch the wiring. The probe diagnosis page indications are in green for normal readings and red for readings that fail the criteria set at the bottom of the screen.
G3 Series Introduction |
Special Lean Of Peak Functionality Unparalleled ease of operation |
Extensive Measurement Coverage Simultaneous EGT, CHT, TIT |
Continuous Probe Diagnosis Confirm system integrity |
Sophisticated Data Logging Unlimited storage on standard SD camera card |
Detailed Vibration Analysis Safely operate lean of peak |
Fully Compatible Upgrade Plug & play with all GEM instruments |
Insight's 610C Graphic Engine Monitor (G3) color-coded bar graph and digital values may be Primary for CHT , EGT and TIT. All other data shown in cyan at the top of display are to be supplementary. The data-log files stored on the SD card can be easily retrieved by the pilot, in-flight or post-flight, for instant viewing or permanent record-keeping. The G3 is a sophisticated tool for engine management. Its microprocessor performs many tasks that used to be handled by the pilot.
Dimensions: 7X7X12