RC Allen 2610-3 Digital Attitude Indicator 0 Degree Tilt
- Is a Digital Attitude Indicator that has no gyroscope. It utilizes several internal accelerometers to provide Pitch and Roll information. Airspeed is part of the calculations needed in this process. In some instances with high performance aircraft, sudden acceleration/deceleration or high g-forces adversely effect the accelerometer speed calculations. The RCA2610-P Series adds Pitot-Statc airspeed input which ensures constant and accurate speed data for greater reliability.
- Version comes without the Pitch Sync feature and functions like the original model with the brightness controls only.
The RCA2610-P-G
- With Pitot-Static and no Pitch Sync.
All RCA2610 models can be ordered with an optional slip indicator (inclinometer) which satisfies FAA AC 91-75 for even greater versatility.
Standard models are shipped with 0 degrees tilt. The panel tilt angle can be set from 0 to 90 degrees in one degree increments, but must be specified at time of order.
Made in the USA
Dimensions: 4X7X10
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