B&C BC320-1 Starter TCM W/Key Type Stcd
Also available are 2 installation kits; one for replacing a key-type starter, the other for replacing a pull-cable type starter.
- If you are replacing a key-type starter, you will need installation kit 07-06752.
- Before installing the BC320, a needle bearing will need to be removed
from your engine. To aid in removing this needle bearing, you may purchase
Bearing removal kit, 07-06753 .
- If you are replacing a pull-cable starter, you will need installation kit 07-06754.
The BC320 starter is a complete starter, ready to install, that will replace the existing motor, clutch, and pinion-gear. Tested by Continental with over 5000 start cycles without a problem. Recommended by Rutan Aircraft Factory. Except for paperwork, there are no differences between STCd starters and starters for homebuilts. A starter must be ordered to match your battery voltage.
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